Call for grants to support programmes and projects to promote green infrastructure through the generation of knowledge
Dotación de la convocatoria

5.9 million euros.

To support projects that contribute to the generation and application of scientific knowledge for the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure within the framework of national regulations, plans and strategies. The lines of research contemplated in this call are: development of green infrastructure, connectivity and ecological restoration; desertification and land degradation; and energy transition and terrestrial and marine biodiversity.

Apply by February 20, 2025.

Dirigida a proyectos que

Contribute to the generation and application of scientific knowledge for the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure within the framework of national regulations, plans and strategies. The lines of research contemplated in this call are: development of green infrastructure, connectivity and ecological restoration; desertification and land degradation; and energy transition and terrestrial and marine biodiversity.

Specifically, projects that contribute to continuing the work of developing green infrastructure for biodiversity conservation through the improvement of ecological connectivity, the effective implementation of restoration objectives, the fight against desertification and the biodiversity-compatible development of renewable energies, among other types of activities. All this in a context of climate change and integrating the gender perspective in the diagnosis and search for solutions to environmental problems.

Pueden presentarse

Non-profit entities and organisations, public research bodies of the General State Administration and the Autonomous Communities, public universities and their university institutes that are registered in the register of universities, centres and degrees, technology centres and non-profit technological innovation support centres at the state level and other public or private non-profit centres that in their statutes or in the regulations that regulates them include R+D+i, and professional organizations and associations.

Groupings made up of the above types of entities may be presented, in a maximum number of four entities per grouping.

Total amount per project between €200,000 and €400,000.

Importe y cofinanciación

According to the category of region established by the ERDF: 85% for projects located in the less developed and outermost regions, 60% in the regions in transition and 40% in the more developed regions.


Advances of up to 30% of the amount co-financed by the ERDF are foreseen.

Duración de los proyectos

Maximum three years.

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