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Agroecocualifica: improving competencies in agroecology

Empleaverde program

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the project Agroecocualifica: improving skills in agroecology is to improve the professional qualification of workers in organic production in those sectors in development and / or requiring additional training due to the development of the sector.

DESCRIPTION: AgroEcoCualifica has among its objectives to improve the skills and qualifications of farmers, technicians of processing companies and workers in the sector, with training in agroecological practices, promote innovation in agroecological production systems by establishing networks of social promoters and promote the growth of organic farmers. Organic production in Spain is a sector in constant evolution and consolidation. We are the leading producer in Europe and the fifth largest in the world. Within the organic production there are some sectors that are either undergoing significant development in recent times or have evolved requiring qualified personnel to meet it. The Autonomous Communities where the project is being developed have been chosen because they are leaders in the topics covered by the project.

Agroecocualifica: mejora de competencias en agroecología.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:

Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture (SEAE)

Improving skills in agroecology

is to improve the professional qualification of organic production workers in those sectors that are developing and/or require additional training due to the development of the sector.

linea de actuación

Agroecocualifica: improving competencies in agroecology