The IEEB facilitates a framework for cooperation between the business and financial sectors, academia, the third sector and the Public Administration, joining efforts to improve and maintain biodiversity and natural capital in Spain. It also seeks to integrate the Spanish private sector in the implementation of the objectives of the CBD and the international and national plans and strategies for biodiversity conservation. The initiative is also a channel through which entities can communicate their needs, proposals and actions to national public institutions and the CBD Secretariat. IEEB is part of the European Business and Biodiversity Platform, the Global Business and Biodiversity Alliance of the CBD Secretariat and the Natural Capital Coalition (a global platform to support the development of methods for valuing natural and social capital in business).
Reference framework for small, medium and large companies to share experiences, projects and positive practices, thus developing specialized knowledge on biodiversity. It is structured around three thematic areas: (I) post-2020 framework (provision of information on international conferences and transformation mechanisms for the coming years); (II) tools (activities oriented to the transformation of the business sector according to the post-2020 framework related to the identification and measurement of impacts and dependencies; measurement and valuation; risks and opportunities; action plans and reporting) and (III) mainstreaming (promoting the integration of biodiversity issues in the decision-making processes of companies and financial organizations).
IEEB participates in an international consortium, led by UNEP-WCMC (United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre), for the implementation of an EU Horizon project called SUSTAIN, which aims to contribute to a better measurement, assessment and monitoring of the dependencies and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services of companies. Fundación Biodiversidad participates in the transfer of project results and in the collection of contributions from companies for the period 2022-2025.

The Emprendeverde network (REV) is an initiative of the Fundación Biodiversidad to support the creation and consolidation of companies that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and an ecological and just transition. It has a community of almost 11,000 members: entrepreneurs, impact investors and professionals from academia, civil society and the public sector. People who want to promote a more just ecological transition through new business models that bring to market products and services with a greater positive environmental and social impact. This is one of the tools of the Empleaverde Program, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
The Biodiversity Foundation and the Spanish Climate Change Office have coordinated the preparation of this study “Employment and ecological transition. Sources of employment, labor transformation and training challenges in sectors related to climate change and biodiversity in Spain”. The aim of this study is to analyze new sources of employment and professions related to the ecological transition; and new skills and competencies required. This will lead to the development of a proposal to create skills in line with the needs identified. The study focuses on two areas: biodiversity conservation, green infrastructure, connectivity and ecological restoration, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Fundación Biodiversidad continues to update the Practical Guide to Ecological Restoration to identify the key aspects of ecological restoration and relevant case studies.

The Biodiversity Foundation has been designated as a collaborating entity of the MITECO in the call for grants to promote the circular economy in the company endowed with 192 million euros and aimed at companies, which will be published soon.