La fundación

The Foundation icono guión verde

Reversing biodiversity loss to build a sustainable future

Our mission is to contribute to reversing biodiversity loss. This requires actions in several areas at the same time, to conserve healthy ecosystems, restore degraded ecosystems, promote sustainable use of biodiversity and halt the causes of its deterioration.

The complexity of environmental challenges requires us to act in different areas at the same time, establishing strategic alliances and building bridges with science, private initiative and society as a whole.

Gender focus
Understanding the relationship between gender and the environment is key to addressing environmental challenges in a sustainable and equitable manner.
Terrestrial ecosystems
Contribute to the conservation and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems, as well as to the promotion of their sustainable use through the bioeconomy and green jobs.
Marine ecosystems
Contribute to the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems, as well as to the promotion of their sustainable use through the development of the blue economy.
Urban environments
Strengthen the role of nature in urban environments to improve their resilience and the quality of life and health of their inhabitants.
Causes of biodiversity loss
Respond to the need to adopt measures to halt the loss of biodiversity.
Knowledge generation and management
Base biodiversity management on the best available science.
Private sector participation in the ecological transition
Innovative solutions, value chain transformations, commitments that stimulate positive actions for nature.
International relations
Contribute to raising the ambition and honoring the commitments adopted by Spain, as well as providing technical and institutional support to developing countries.
The communication and transfer of results is an essential part of making the activities carried out by the Fundación Biodiversidad known in a comprehensive manner.
Gender focus
Understanding the relationship between gender and the environment is key to addressing environmental challenges in a sustainable and equitable manner.
Terrestrial ecosystems
Contribute to the conservation and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems, as well as to the promotion of their sustainable use through the bioeconomy and green jobs.
Marine ecosystems
Contribute to the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems, as well as to the promotion of their sustainable use through the development of the blue economy.
Urban environments
Strengthen the role of nature in urban environments to improve their resilience and the quality of life and health of their inhabitants.
Causes of biodiversity loss
Respond to the need to adopt measures to halt the loss of biodiversity.
Knowledge generation and management
Base biodiversity management on the best available science.
Private sector participation in the ecological transition
Innovative solutions, value chain transformations, commitments that stimulate positive actions for nature.
International relations
Contribute to raising the ambition and honoring the commitments adopted by Spain, as well as providing technical and institutional support to developing countries.
The communication and transfer of results is an essential part of making the activities carried out by the Fundación Biodiversidad known in a comprehensive manner.
Gender focus
Understanding the relationship between gender and the environment is key to addressing the environmental challenges of a country's ...
Terrestrial ecosystems
Contribute to the conservation and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems, as well as to the promotion of their sustainable use through the bioeconomy and green jobs.
Marine ecosystems
Contribute to the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems, as well as to the promotion of their sustainable use through the development of the blue economy.
Urban environments
Strengthen the role of nature in urban environments to improve their resilience and the quality of life and health of their inhabitants.
Causes of biodiversity loss
Responding to the need to adopt measures to curb the ...
Knowledge generation and management
Base biodiversity management on the best available science.
Private sector participation in the ecological transition
Innovative solutions, value chain transformations, commitments that stimulate ...
International relations
Contribute to raising the ambition and honoring the commitments adopted by Spain, as well as providing support ...
The communication and transfer of results is an essential part of making the results known in a way that ...
icono guión verde

icono guión verdeOutreach and Awareness Raising

Dissemination and environmental awareness is a continuous educational process that aims to inform, train and modify attitudes towards the climate emergency. With science as the basis for all actions, we can find reports that support the decisions that, little by little, should lead us to an urgent and necessary change of model.


The Biodiversity Foundation podcast

"Naturalmente" was born with the aim to offer new ideas, new visions, to what we call climate emergency. Our idea is to generate knowledge, awareness, about an issue that affects everyone. We will try to contribute ideas from people who have something to say, who are committed to innovation, people who help us understand the challenge we are facing and the possible solutions.

Naturalmente | Latest podcast

Guest: Belén Moneo

“We must establish new habits in terms of energy consumption”

September 27, 2024

icono guión verde Fundingicono guión verde

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Manager of the proposal and execution of the Government's policy on the fight against climate change, as well as the elaboration and development of the policy to face the demographic challenge and territorial depopulation.
logo PRTR
Plan developed by the Spanish Government as a proposal for the Next Generation_EU funds management in the period 2021-2023. It focuses on four issues: ecological transition, digitalization of the economy, social and territorial cohesion and gender equality.
The European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+) is the co-funded European biodiversity partnership that supports excellent biodiversity research with impact for policy and society. It is part of the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030, which aims to put European biodiversity on the path to recovery by 2030.
logo unión europea
EU Maritime and Fisheries Policy Fund proposed for the period 2014-2020 with the objective of sustainable development of fisheries, aquaculture and other related activities.
logo fondo europeo
Cohesion Policy Fund and the main instrument with which Europe supports job creation, helps people get better jobs and ensures fairer job opportunities for the citizens of the European Union.
logo agricultura pesca y alimentación
Department responsible for proposing and executing the Government's policy on agricultural, livestock and fishing resources, the agri-food industry, rural development and food.
logo LIFE
Program that finances environmental conservation projects and the development of community environmental policy and legislation.
logo FEMPA
The European Social Fund Plus (FSE+) aims to help Member States address the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, achieve high levels of employment and fair social protection, and develop a skilled and resilient workforce ready for the transition to a green and digital economy.
The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (FEMPA) is the new fund for the EU's maritime, fisheries and aquaculture policies proposed for the period 2021-2027, replacing the previous European Fisheries Fund (FEMPA).

icono guión verde Social Media

icono guión verde

Among the transversal working lines of the Biodiversity Foundation is to disseminate its actions, its objectives and make society aware of the importance of preserving our environment and promoting a sustainable, fair and egalitarian world.

Social networks are a fundamental tool to achieve this. They are essential means of dissemination to communicate, entertain and above all inform about our projects, calls, results and everything related to biodiversity and the solutions it provides us.

For several years our social networks have been leaders in our sector. The diversity of content, whether scientific dissemination, information on the results of our projects or entertainment, has allowed us to create a very solid and participative community of followers.

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Communications is a key part of the Foundation's activities, and is appreciated by its partners as one of its strengths. Communication activities are an essential part of many projects. In addition, numerous specific activities are carried out (events, publications in the press, awareness and dissemination on social networks, websites, podcasts, etc.). We are very present in social networks, and among our themes, ecological restoration stands out.

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