Logo Empleaverde

Training for a sustainable fishery

Empleaverde program

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the project is to offer innovative training to fishmongers with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability, with special attention to Red Natura 2000, circular economy and blue economy; improving competencies and replicable throughout the territory.

TOPICS: The project covers topics such as aquaculture and sustainable fisheries, Natura 2000 Network, Blue economy and circular economy, energy saving and efficiency, efficient water management, management, environmental improvement and eco-innovation in industry or business, reduction, reuse and recycling of waste.

DESCRIPTION: It will combine distance and face-to-face training; including innovative areas that help connect with the new consumer; training in traceability and information to the final consumer, sustainability, common fisheries policy, fisheries control regulations, responsible use of resources, environmental impact, efficient water management, transport and sustainable mobility, packaging, food waste, digital skills and equal opportunities; Natura 2000 Network, Circular Economy and Blue Economy.

Formación para una pescadería sostenible.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:


To offer innovative training to fish workers with a focus on environmental, social and economic sustainability, with special attention to Red Natura 2000, circular economy and blue economy; improving competencies and replicable throughout the territory.

linea de actuación

Training for a sustainable fishery