Logo Empleaverde

E-BLUE: blue employment

Empleaverde program

PROJECT TITLE: E-BLUE: blue employment for a better maritime-coastal tourism.

OBJECTIVE: Aims to to improve the training and employability of workers of companies in the maritime and coastal tourism sector in Cadiz and Murcia, in terms of improving the management of internal and environmental processes of their activity, in order to improve the protection of the maritime and coastal natural environment where they operate.

DESCRIPTION: Coastal maritime and cruise tourism is considered a priority sector within the Blue Growth Communication and its sustainability depends on the maintenance of a healthy environment and the sustainable use of natural capital. E-AZUL responds to one of the challenges of the European Strategy for greater growth and employment in maritime and coastal tourism: “Strengthening Sustainability” by offering a training program and advice to workers in the sector, and developing other social innovation actions related to improving the employability of workers and environmental protection.

E-AZUL: empleo azul para un mejor turismo marítimo-costero

Line of action:

Marine ecosystems



Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:

Fundación Bahía de Cádiz para el Desarrollo Económico-CEEI Bahía de Cádiz

To improve the training and employability of workers of companies in the maritime-coastal tourism sector in Cadiz and Murcia, in terms of improving the management of internal and environmental processes of their activity, in order to improve the protection of the maritime and coastal natural environment where they operate.

linea de actuación

E-BLUE: blue employment