PROJECT NAME: Laponias Conectadas. Strengthening green and social entrepreneurship skills.
OBJECTIVE: To strengthen the skills of entrepreneurs living in the excluded and depopulated rural areas of Soria and Teruel through exchanges with Lapland and the promotion of green social entrepreneurship as an endogenous resource that generates sustainable development.
DESCRIPTION: Soria and Teruel are part of the Serranía Celtibérica, a territory known as the Lapland of the South that shares with Lapland the lowest population density rates in the EU. The project will connect the regions in order to improve the entrepreneurial skills of Soria and Teruel through learning and exchange of experiences, with an emphasis on innovation as a tool for sustainable and inclusive change for sparsely populated areas. The project will generate added value to a rural economy severely affected by depopulation, through a mixed training on Green + Social Entrepreneurship in Soria and Teruel; an experience and knowledge exchange stay in Lapland for entrepreneurs from Soria and Teruel; a meeting in Soria to identify socio-economic and environmental challenges in sparsely populated areas, seek solutions for social innovation and impact investment; and a meeting in Teruel to identify and connect innovative initiatives and in protected natural areas.