The project is a continuation of a sustainable urban model, linking the compact city with the natural environment, strengthening the concept of green infrastructure and increasing urban resilience to the effects of climate change. The consolidation of the city’s Outer Green Belt and the introduction of ecosystem dynamics will be pursued, renaturalizing the urban environment – connecting this belt with urban green areas, increasing biodiversity and urban quality, and increasing the protection of the urban environment. The proposed actions are located on the immediate edge of the city – consolidating the green belt – as well as in the compact city – introducing nature into the urban fabric -, always linked to the wetlands of the Sar, Sarela and Corgo rivers – areas highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change -, guaranteeing the correct coexistence between metabolic functions and urban uses.
Project for the renaturalization, improvement of biodiversity and consolidation of the green infrastructure of Santiago de Compostela (Entre Sar e Sarela).