DESCRIPTION: The project will be developed in rural areas and will be aimed at all possible interested parties (unemployed), who want to work in the forestry sector related to the cultivation of chestnut trees. It is structured in three phases:
Theoretical classroom and online training on sustainable management of chestnut forests.
2. Practical training in experimental plots of chestnut trees in each area, on sustainable use and their potential (chestnut production, beekeeping, mushroom production, production of forest fruits, aromatic and medicinal plants, etc.).
3.Elaboration of job search strategies and preparation of the CV.
The workshops will be carried out to coincide with the crop calendar and the silvicultural work of each season will be carried out (pruning, grafting, soil preparation, etc.). The workshops will be led by a professional monitor who will supervise the activities.
At the end of the project, each recipient who requests it will have an updated CV. All field practices will be videotaped, to be used as an audiovisual resource in the FD courses.