The Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge has organized an information day at its headquarters in Seville for to inform and resolve doubts about the call for subsidies for the acquisition or improvement of skills for the ecological transition 2024, within the framework of the Empleaverde+ Program.
This call for proposals, co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus, has up to 30 million to support training, recruitment and retraining projects, aimed at facilitating access to the labor market and promoting new professional training and entrepreneurship, favoring actions that promote gender equality and equal opportunities between women and men and the reduction of gender gaps.
During the event, attendees were able to obtain information and resolve doubts as potential beneficiaries of the call, as well as participate in a meeting space where they were able to establish contacts with other entities in order to establish synergies and create a group to develop a project proposal.
The conference also discussed the new Empleaverde+ Program, which contributes to the progress towards a climate-neutral and regenerative economy, positive for nature, efficient in the use of resources and circular, to generate new employment opportunities and green businesses.
In this call, the scope of intervention extends to the entire national territory and the projects submitted may be developed in one or more autonomous communities or cities.
The projects, with a maximum duration of 24 months, must fall under one of the following lines of action: line 1 “Training for the acquisition or improvement of skills for green employment” and line 2 “Practical training for unemployed people “learning by working””.
As for the budget, the minimum amount requested per project will be 150,000 euros and the maximum amount requested will be 2,000,000 euros. For projects presented by a group, the minimum amount requested by each of the entities that make up the group shall be 75,000 euros.
The themes of the projects must be adapted to the 14 identified as priority sectors with a high potential for transformation, reconversion and employment generation detected in the study “.Employment and ecological transition. Employment opportunities, labor transformation and training challenges in the sectors related to climate change and biodiversity in Spain.“published in 2023 by the Biodiversity Foundation and the Spanish Office for Climate Change of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
Applications, whose deadline is June 2, 2024, must be submitted through the Fundación Biodiversidad website,, and an e-mail address has been set up to handle queries from interested persons and entities: