Bioeconomy in the municipal forest areas of the eastern axis of Jaén (BIOFORESTE JAÉN)

PRTR Call for Proposals Project

BIOFORESTE JAÉN proposes the creation of a pilot forest management project adapted to three models of ecosystems representative of Jaén and subdesert steppe areas, which can be replicated in the rest of the municipal forests of the province.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems


En ejecución


Jaén (Andalusia)

Geographic scope:


Execution date:



01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025


Development and diversification of forestry uses and harvests

Total budget:

1,953,552.94 euros

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

1,855,875.29 euros

Diputación de Jaén

Villarrodrigo City Council

Huesa City Council

Town Hall of Bedmar y Garcíez

University of Jaén

Plant for the Planet Foundation Spain

The municipalities chosen to carry out the project (Villarodrigo, Huesa and Bedmar y Garcíez) have problems of population and income loss. Thanks to this initiative, they will be able to reverse their situation and serve as an example even beyond the province of Jaén with similar ecosystems.

Thanks to this project, the selected geographical areas will be able to redirect their situation and serve as an example to other municipalities with municipal public forests so that they can be replicated, not only in the province of Jaén but anywhere in our country with the same ecosystems. The participatory model of the Territorial Innovation Centers will be implemented with the aim of creating the Participation Council with the economic and social fabric of the municipality that will allow channeling all the actions to be developed, both for their knowledge, contributions and collaboration for the sake of reorientation to a model of sustainable management of municipal public forests, allowing the creation of green jobs and the undertaking of initiatives of exploitation based on the bioeconomy.

The main objective of the project is to establish sustainable forest management and harvesting models in accordance with the type and durability of its biodiversity, as well as to promote the participation of the social and economic fabric of rural municipalities with municipal public forests and to fight against the loss of population in rural areas.

  • Creation of an ecosystemic space for participation, collaboration and entrepreneurship in the three participating municipalities.
  • Climatic suitability of the areas of action for the restoration of forest ecosystems and resources.
  • Study of the response of the soil ecosystem to the actions proposed in the pilot management plans.
  • Thinning of pine forests for biomass utilization.
  • Mycorrhization with adapted species.
  • Application of regenerative livestock farming.
  • Enrichment with melliferous species for the promotion of beekeeping.
  • Installation of an industry that transforms forest residues into wood chips for biomass.
  • Replication plan of the experiences carried out in municipalities with municipal public forests in the province of Jaén according to their typology.
linea de actuación

Bioeconomy in the municipal forest areas of the eastern axis of Jaén (BIOFORESTE JAÉN)