In Cantabria, the regional government has been making a great effort to maintain a Stranding Network that responds to the events that may occur throughout each year. Budgetary constraints have limited the effectiveness of the Network to the attention of some cases of live specimens and to the macro and microscopic study of cases of strandings of dead specimens, from which valuable information has already been obtained. However, in the case of strandings of live specimens, it is necessary to expand the availability of veterinary care and incorporate collaborating entities and fishing guilds into the Stranding Network that, due to their activity and functions, can improve its operation.
The project aims to know the scope and reduce accidental captures, whose link with strandings is confirmed, as well as to complete the response capacity of the network to strandings of live specimens.
It also contemplates the improvement of sampling protocols, the transmission of this information to the central administration and the scientific community and the education and awareness of the population of Cantabria towards marine fauna and its threats.
Among the actions they have planned, the following stand out:
Improving the Cantabria Stranding Network (ReVarCa)