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RECOMAR: Bases for the Restoration and Conservation of Marine Meadows in the Province of Malaga: Cymodocea nodosa

Pleamar program

The general objective of the RECOMAR project is the optimization of techniques and development of tools for the recovery and monitoring of marine angiosperm meadows of the species Cymodocea nodosa, involving fishermen and managers.

Line of action:

Marine ecosystems


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:

  • Identification and evaluation of the most appropriate techniques for the restoration or active rehabilitation of the seagrass meadows of marine angiosperm C. nodosa.
  • Quantification of the ecosystem services provided by these meadows related to nutrient and carbon sequestration, coastal protection and the role of these species as breeding and breeding areas for species of fishing or recreational interest.
  • Creation of a potential distribution model for C. nodosa on the north coast of the Alboran Sea.
  • Development of different tools for the monitoring and conservation of marine angiosperm meadows in the Alboran Sea, supported by the creation of a citizen science network and the use of satellite images.
  • Determination of the connectivity and genetic diversity of C. nodosa populations along the northern coast of the Alboran Sea.
linea de actuación

RECOMAR: Bases for the Restoration and Conservation of Marine Meadows in the Province of Malaga: Cymodocea nodosa