
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment promotes the development of environmental activities with an endowment of 4.7 million euros

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA), through the Biodiversity Foundation, has announced two new grants for the development of activities related to the environment in 2014.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA), through the Biodiversity Foundation, has announced two new grants for the development of activities related to the environment in 2014.

With an endowment of 4.7 million, calls for aid are opened to carry out activities in the field of terrestrial biodiversity, marine and coastal biodiversity, climate change and environmental quality.

The projects presented in the terrestrial biodiversity line must promote the maintenance of essential ecological processes and must ensure the preservation of the natural heritage and the biological and genetic diversity of the species.

Applications in the marine and coastal biodiversity line will aim to conserve the marine Natura 2000 Network and protect both the coastal and marine environment, against the potential impacts it may suffer and ensure its sustainable development and exploitation.

Finally, the projects submitted to the climate change and environmental quality line must pursue compliance with Spain’s commitments on climate change, as well as support the policies of the MAGRAMA to combat climate change, promote the rational use and saving of energy and promote renewable energies and mitigate the threats that poor environmental quality poses to biodiversity and human health with the aim of improvement of social welfare, economic growth and environmental protection.

Of the €4,240,000 of maximum global endowment allocated to this call, €2,235,000 corresponds to terrestrial biodiversity; to marine and coastal biodiversity €990,000; and to climate change and environmental quality €1,015,000.

Entities that wish to apply for this call have until July 15, 2014. Applications must be submitted in electronic format through the website of the www.fundacion-biodiversidad.es Biodiversity Foundation.

The same entity can submit a maximum of two proposals. The bases of this call establish that the aid granted to each project will not exceed 120,000 euros and may be financed up to a maximum of 70%. In the case of Public Administrations, their related or dependent bodies, state public sector foundations, as well as similar entities of the Autonomous Communities, the co-financing of projects may not exceed 50%.

Granting of aid for collaboration and representation activities
Likewise, the MAGRAMA has announced, through the Biodiversity Foundation, the granting of grants for the development of collaboration and representation activities before the General State Administration, the European Union and international organizations in the field of biodiversity, climate change and sustainable development.

The aid is aimed at non-governmental organizations whose purpose is to defend and protect the environment. These entities make an additional effort to participate in various state bodies, being the institutional interlocutors of the permanent dialogue that is required to shape a general environmental policy and planning for the benefit of the general interest. For this reason, the MAGRAMA, through the Biodiversity Foundation, directs these grants to activities derived from this public participation.

The maximum overall endowment of this call is up to €460,000 with a maximum amount per application of €130,000 and may not exceed 90% of the total budget of the project presented. This amount will be used to cover the costs of the public participation activities necessary for the preparation, implementation and monitoring of environmental policies between the General State Administration and the social and economic sectors.

NGOs that wish to apply have a period of 30 calendar days from the publication of this call. Applications must be submitted in electronic format through the website of the www.fundacion-biodiversidad.es Biodiversity Foundation.

The granting of these grants is established on a competitive basis, and their regulatory bases can be consulted on the website of the Biodiversity Foundation.