TITLE: A forest of opportunities. Employability and job creation project in protected forest areas of Extremadura and Castilla la Mancha.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the project is to increase the employability of women, young people and people over 45 years of age working in rural forestry areas under a protection regime, oriented towards the fixation of the population in the target areas.
DESCRIPTION: The Forest of Opportunities project is structured in two blocks of almost identical training actions (replicated) in Extremadura and Castilla La Mancha. They have been specifically designed for application in forest areas under some kind of protection regime, located in the provinces of Cáceres and Guadalajara. The economic weight of both Autonomous Communities will be 50%, that is to say, it will have an equal distribution. For the face-to-face actions, four forestry districts have been selected, which are socioeconomically associated with the following natural areas:
- Monfragüe National Park.
- ZEC Sierra de Gredos and Valle del Jerte.
- Upper Tagus Natural Park (GU NE)
- Sierra Norte de Guadalajara plus Sierras de Pela and Ayllón and other red natura forest areas (GU NO)
In each province there is an online action focused globally on forestry opportunities in protected areas of the province, and two face-to-face actions aimed at two different specific protected forest areas.