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A forest of opportunities II

Empleaverde program

Training program with a high practical component consisting of 6 courses (3 distance courses and 3 classroom courses) aimed at 162 unemployed people from forest areas under some kind of protection regime, located in the provinces of Badajoz, Toledo and Ciudad Real.

The theme of the project is sustainable forest management.

The project A Forest of Opportunities II is structured in three blocks of almost identical training actions (replicated) in Extremadura and Castilla-La Mancha, following the good experience gained during 2018. These actions have been specifically designed for application in forest areas under some kind of protection regime, located in the provinces of Badajoz, Albacete and Ciudad Real. The economic weight of each province will be equal. For the face-to-face actions, forest areas of municipalities are selected, located in the Area of Socioeconomic Influence of the natural areas included in:

. The Natura 2000 Network

. Regional networks of protected areas

. The Biosphere Reserve Network.

In each province there is an ON-LINE action aimed at forestry employment opportunities generated in their protected areas, and a face-to-face action aimed at group recognition of the territory for the same purposes. The three ON-LINE TRAINING ACTIONS are aimed at priority groups with an extensive territorial character, but with a selection criterion that will give priority (all other conditions being equal) to the population residing in the areas of socioeconomic influence of the protected areas. The training action will have a duration of 64 hours and will be aimed at 54 recipients per province. This action is considered as the previous action that will allow to take the step to participate in the face-to-face actions. This format has worked very well in the first edition of the project since it is compatible with the start of a work activity during the course, without the need to abandon it, completing the training initiated by the student. They present an introductory character to the forestry sector as a green employment opportunity and dedicate 80% of the agenda to forestry opportunities. The remaining 20% will be allocated to cross-cutting employability modules.

The percentage of participation of women in the project will be 50%, while the percentage of participation of other priority groups (sum of the rest of the groups except women) will be 50%.

At least 10% of the target group will obtain a job.

The project will have an impact on the Natura 2000 Network.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:


Project web page:

linea de actuación

A forest of opportunities II