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Biodiversity and the extractive industry of rocks and industrial minerals (Greenquarry)

Empleaverde program

GREENQUARRY is a project implemented by Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, Piedra y Materiales, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Empleaverde Program of the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition, which aims to generate green jobs and improve environmental management, as well as the circular economy of the extractive industry of industrial rocks and minerals by raising awareness of people through training, among other lines of action.


What does the project consist of? The project consists of the execution of training actions. The 2 training actions are listed below:

– Biodiversity management in quarries located within the Natura 2000 network.

– Circular economy methods and techniques in the extractive industry of industrial rocks and minerals.

These training actions will be carried out in the provinces of Alicante, Almería, Murcia, Badajoz and Cáceres.

Target audience: The training actions will be aimed at those unemployed residents in the autonomous communities of Murcia, Valencia, Andalusia and Extremadura and who have a vocation or profession related to the sector and in connection with the management of biodiversity, the environment and the circular economy.

Objectives: The objective of the training actions is to expand the knowledge and therefore the qualification of the unemployed attendees, with the aim firstly, to ensure, instill and improve the management of biodiversity in the extractive industry of industrial rocks and minerals located in the Natura 2000 Network areas, as well as to ensure, to inculcate and improve the correct execution of the circular economy in the extractive industry of industrial rocks and minerals, and secondly, to expand the possibilities of the attendees to find a job in related consultancies or entities of the sector with development in the technical or environmental department and entities of the sector or environmental entities.

More information: http://greenquarry.es/

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:


End date:

Marble, Stone and Materials Technology Center

The generation of green employment, and the improvement of environmental management, as well as the circular economy of the extractive industry of industrial rocks and minerals by raising people’s awareness through training, among other lines of action.

Technological Institute of Ornamental Rocks and Construction Materials of Extremadura, Levantina Foundation and Cosentino Group.
linea de actuación

Biodiversity and the extractive industry of rocks and industrial minerals (Greenquarry)