Logo Empleaverde

Building rehabilitation and construction: sustainability and a driver of employment

Empleaverde program

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the project is to generate employment by promoting rehabilitation and building techniques that preserve the environment, and by adapting the training of workers to comply with the 2012/27/EU directive, thus allowing savings of up to 30% in energy consumption.


The structure of the course consists of:

Five courses will be given to 125 professionals using e-learning methodology on Sustainable Building and Rehabilitation as a basis for improving their competence and qualification in this field.

2. 8 hours per student of personalized counseling will be provided to facilitate the labor application of the knowledge acquired for the incorporation of new lines of business in existing companies, the provision of new professional services as self-employed and to improve the employment situation of workers in the field of rehabilitation and building that preserves the environment..

Rehabilitación y edificación: sostenibilidad y motor de empleo.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:

Integral Training and Management Solutions STRUCTURALIA, S.A.

Generate employment by promoting rehabilitation and building techniques that preserve the environment, and by adapting the training of workers to comply with the 2012/27/EU directive, thus allowing savings of up to 30% in energy consumption.

linea de actuación

Building rehabilitation and construction: sustainability and a driver of employment