OBJECTIVE: The objective of the project is to improve the employability of workers in rural areas of the province of Malaga through the adaptation of their skills in the green economy through training and counseling.
TOPICS: The project addresses various environmental issues, such as: sustainable tourism; innovation and social responsibility; ecomarketing; green economy; distribution and sale of ecological products; management, environmental improvement and eco-innovation in the company.
DESCRIPTION: Environmental problems are a consequence of economic growth, land use and its productive repercussions, intensive agriculture and its effects on pollution, the concentration of the population on the coast, depopulation of inland areas, the growth of cities centered on the sun and beach tourism model and a territorial model that presents imbalances between coastal and inland areas. These elements are addressed from the public policies of the Provincial Council in general, and from this project in particular, as opportunities in the complex relationship between society, environment and economy, enabling the development of new economies based on more sustainable models where social innovation, the recovery of environmental values, the support of more ecological production models that generate not only an economic good but also a positive balance for the territory and its people, favoring a greener economy.