OBJECTIVE: The LABTREE (LAB3) – Uniendo ramas project promotes green entrepreneurship with social impact through training and connection of entrepreneurial experiences at the national and international level (trip to Italy), as well as helping to generate new business initiatives in the green economy. Green entrepreneurship is encouraged without limiting the environmental theme as long as it generates a positive environmental impact, so it includes several themes related to the environment.
DESCRIPTION: “LABTREE (LAB3) – Joining branches” will consist of three spaces:
- Nests: Entrepreneur and environmental entity. By joining entrepreneurs with environmental entities, we seek to generate synergies and take advantage of the experience and knowledge that the same entity already has. There will be 4 nests (10 people) per autonomous community. It will also be sought that the participants of the entities are entrepreneurs, thus promoting intra-entrepreneurship in the same entity.
- Laboratories (1lab/community): Meeting and training spaces for nests. There will be two training courses (one for each autonomous community) in which participants will be provided with tools to develop sustainable environmental and social projects and improve their professional skills. Topics related to green and social business models and business management tools will be discussed. The nests will also have on-site and remote support from an expert for the development of the projects. In the training sessions of the laboratories, experiences from other countries will be shown and after the meeting there will also be a presentation and summary of the projects known in Italy so that all the participants can get to know them.
- Training stay and meetings in Italy: A training stay will be organized for the Nests to get to know existing projects in Italy and a networking event will be held to generate synergies and possible contacts of interest for the projects.