Logo Empleaverde

Sustainable agroforestry use

Empleaverde program

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the project is to favor the creation of employment in the rural environment, related to the agroforestry sector, contributing to the professionalization and diversification of the sector, improving the training of those interested in working in this sector.

DESCRIPTION: The project will be developed in rural areas of the municipalities of Dumbría (Galicia) and El Franco (Asturias). It is aimed at people who are unemployed and interested in carrying out an entrepreneurial initiative in the agroforestry sector or to work in it. It is structured in three phases:

1. Theoretical classroom and on-line training on the sustainable use of agroforestry resources and abandoned lands.

2. Practical training in experimental plots in each area, on sustainable integrated use and its potential (chestnut production, beekeeping, mushroom production, forest fruit production, aromatic and medicinal plants, etc.).

3. Elaboration of:

a. Business plans according to the productive orientation for each recipient who requests them. Job search strategies and CV preparation.

b. Feasibility studies of abandoned plots of land for unemployed people who request it. The study includes edaphoclimatic analyses, operations to improve the productivity and profitability of these plots, etc.

The workshops will be led by a professional monitor who will supervise the activities. At the end of the project, each recipient who requests it will have a personalized business plan or job search strategy and an updated CV. All field practices will be videotaped, to be used as an audiovisual resource in the distance learning courses.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:

Council of Dumbría

To favor the creation of employment in the rural environment, related to the agroforestry sector, contributing to the professionalization and diversification of the sector, improving the training of those interested in working in this sector.

linea de actuación

Sustainable agroforestry use