The project aims to improve throughtraining, employability and employability skills in the field of the marine Natura 2000 Network, providing competencies for the effective and sustainable management of marine protected areas.
The theme of the project is the effective and integrated management of Natura 2000 marine areas, blue economy, sustainable tourism.
The Natura 2000 Network, both terrestrial and marine, is made up of Sites of Community Importance (Special Areas of Conservation when their management instruments are approved), and Special Protection Areas for Birds. Spain is approaching 12% of its marine waters protected under Natura 2000, a percentage higher than the 10% target set by the Convention on Biological Diversity. In addition, Law 42/2007 includes as a specific figure the Marine Protected Area (MPA) defined as natural spaces designated for the protection of ecosystems, communities or biological or geological elements of the marine environment, which due to their rarity, fragility, importance or uniqueness, deserve special protection. There are currently two MPAs, El Cachucho and the Mediterranean Cetacean Migration Corridor. In addition to the MPAs, the framework of the Network of Marine Protected Areas of Spain (RAMPE) must be considered, which also includes the Marine Reserves regulated by the Fisheries Law. These protection figures seek to ensure the long-term protection of the natural values of these areas and guarantee the sustainability of the activities carried out in them. This requires an effectively managed network of marine areas, which implies planning, management and dynamization activities that in turn require professionals and users of the sea with better skills and access to training opportunities in line with the new challenges.
In order to respond to the needs indicated above, professionals with the skills to intervene positively in the effective management of marine NR2000 are needed, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the diversification of activities compatible with the conservation of the marine environment. Consequently, the general objective of the project is to offer training actions aimed at the unemployed, which will enable them to meet the new labor needs required by marine RN2000. This general objective is translated into the following specific objectives:
1) To consolidate and take advantage of the new employment opportunities offered by the development of the Natura 2000 Network in the sea and marine conservation in general.
2) To have a positive impact, through these new professionals, on the effective and sustainable management of Natura 2000 marine areas.
The percentage of participation of women in the project will be 40%, while the percentage of participation of other priority groups (sum of the rest of the groups except women) will be 40%.
At least 7% of those targeted will obtain employment.
The project will have an impact on the Natura 2000 Network.
Executed at ITI Cadiz.