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CABALGA: Innovative and inclusive measures for the recovery and conservation of benthic communities in the Mediterranean and Galician Atlantic

Pleamar program

The degradation caused by anthropogenic impacts in marine protected areas requires urgent strategies to promote their conservation.
In addition, reducing fishing impacts and the use of anchors in Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) has become a priority following the recommendations of the United Nations and FAO.
In EMVs, the main organisms are corals and together with posidonia oceanica and laminaria forests they serve as a place of refuge, feeding and breeding for a large number of species of commercial interest.
However, anthropogenic activities compromise the viability of their populations and lead to a reduction in the stock of associated commercial species.
The CABALGA project contributes to mitigating these anthropogenic effects through the restoration of gorgonians, Posidonia oceanica and Laminaria, and to the maintenance of ecosystem services through a more sustainable fishing and EMV use plan.

Line of action:

Marine ecosystems


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:


The CABALGA project aims to execute and evaluate the feasibility of ecological restoration actions and mitigation of the impacts of artisanal fishing on benthic communities dominated by gorgonians, Posidonia oceanica and laminaria.
To achieve this objective, the project is structured in four specific objectives:

  • To promote collaboration between the scientific, fisheries and social sectors in the conservation and restoration of marine biodiversity.
  • Contribute to mitigating the impacts of artisanal fishing and restoration of benthic communities in marine protected areas.
  • Study the evolution and monitoring of restored species in their natural habitat in order to conserve marine ecosystems.
  • To highlight the importance of conservation of marine biodiversity and the involvement of society in the restoration of ecosystems in protected areas.

Amicos Association

linea de actuación

CABALGA: Innovative and inclusive measures for the recovery and conservation of benthic communities in the Mediterranean and Galician Atlantic