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COTI: Reconcile fishing and conservation of threatened pelagic sharks by identifying ecologically important areas in the north-west Mediterranean

Pleamar program

By considering spatial information on fishing effort and collaborating with fishing associations and management bodies, COTI aims to contribute to the identification and proposal of priority conservation areas for iconic pelagic sharks with minimal socio-economic impact in the north-western Mediterranean (COTI study area), a region strongly impacted by human activity and with significant fishing activity.

Line of action:

Marine ecosystems


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:


The overall objective of the COTI project is to identify the areas and periods of greatest biological and ecological importance for the pelagic shark community in the north-western Mediterranean.
This information will be used as a management advisory tool aimed at recovering and conserving these predators in the Mediterranean basin, while developing a viable and sustainable fishing activity in socio-economic and environmental terms.

  • Marking of individuals that allows us to know their spatial distribution.
  • Quantify spatial patterns of genetic diversity and connectivity and potential priority areas to conserve.
  • Dissemination and awareness-raising.
linea de actuación

COTI: Reconcile fishing and conservation of threatened pelagic sharks by identifying ecologically important areas in the north-west Mediterranean