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Eco-Pursement: Use of multi-frequency acoustic deterrents to minimize negative interactions between cetaceans and purse seine fishing activity

Pleamar program

In this project, the Vigo Shipowners’ Cooperative (ARVI) will carry out observations on board fishing vessels of its purse seine fleet, through which the interaction of the gear with the cetaceans present in the usual fishing grounds will be evaluated.
In addition, the use of state-of-the-art pingers with multi-frequency variations will be evaluated to reduce the interactions that may occur during the usual exercise of this fishing activity.
The project consists of 6 activities that include an experimental campaign to implement the protocols, previously established, for action in the presence of cetaceans, as well as a study to analyze the most suitable and effective locations of the pingers without interfering in fishing operations and avoiding their loss in case of breakage or loss of the gear.
The objective is to improve the sustainability of the gear and continue to advance in the sector’s commitment to the conservation of marine resources and the reduction of the sector’s impacts on the natural environment.

Line of action:

Marine ecosystems


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:

  • Characterize the most frequent interactions of cetaceans with the purse seine fleet, establish action protocols and evaluation of technology and materials
  • Design an observation campaign on board fishing vessels to collect data on interactions with cetaceans and observations of them
  • Carrying out the campaign on board different vessels, recording the sightings and interactions that occur during the use and non-use of pingers.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of new pingers in reducing interactions between fishing gear and cetaceans
  • To improve awareness, sensitization and collaboration among maritime-fisheries actors around the problem of interaction with cetaceans, as well as to disseminate the results obtained.

Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI)

linea de actuación

Eco-Pursement: Use of multi-frequency acoustic deterrents to minimize negative interactions between cetaceans and purse seine fishing activity