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NORAVES: Assessment and mitigation of accidental mortality of seabirds in fishing gear in the North Atlantic Demarcation

Pleamar program

NORAVES aims to carry out a complete evaluation of the accidental mortality of seabirds in fishing gear in the North Atlantic Marine Demarcation, especially in its Special Protection Areas for Birds. It has four main blocks: spatio-temporal analysis of fishing activity in the Demarcation; monitoring of target species and description of the spatio-temporal use of marine waters; joint analysis of both sources of information for the description of bird-fishery interactions and overlapping areas, as well as a complete assessment of accidental mortality; testing and proposal of mitigation and management measures for administrations and the fishing sector.
Key aspects of the project include innovation, the participation of the fishing sector, the generation of quality technical-scientific knowledge and cooperation between public and private entities and continuity and cooperation co-financed by the Biodiversity Foundation.

Line of action:

Marine ecosystems


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:


NORAVES aims to contribute to the improvement of knowledge of the magnitude of the impact of accidental mortality in fishing gear on the seabird populations of the North Atlantic Marine Demarcation, with special attention to its marine SPAs, and to make management and mitigation proposals that contribute to the reduction of the existing impact.
To achieve this objective, the following specific objectives are proposed:

  1. To carry out a spatio-temporal analysis of fishing activity with gear with potential impact on seabirds in the North Atlantic Demarcation.
  2. To describe the distribution and habitat in the sea of the target seabird species in the North Atlantic Demarcation.
  3. To evaluate the interaction between seabirds and fishing activity and the impact of accidental mortality on fishing gear.
  4. Test measures to mitigate accidental mortality in collaboration with the fishing sector.
  5. Preparation and proposal of protocols for recording accidental mortality of seabirds.
  6. To train professionals in the sea and related fields in the field of accidental mortality, registration, management and mitigation of impact.
  7. Promote cooperation between public and private entities, intersectoral collaboration, and the participation of the sector in the management and mitigation of accidental mortality.
  8. Disseminate and communicate to society, with special attention to sea professionals, the importance of the conservation of seabirds in the territory, the impact of accidental mortality and good practices for its mitigation.
  9. Propose management and mitigation measures to reduce accidental mortality.
linea de actuación

NORAVES: Assessment and mitigation of accidental mortality of seabirds in fishing gear in the North Atlantic Demarcation