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+RÍAS: The importance of the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of the Rías Baixas as a driver of the blue economy in Natura 2000 Network environments

Pleamar program

The general objective of the +RÍAS project is to increase, through an integrative and participatory approach, environmental awareness and promote ecological awareness among sea professionals, the child population and society in general with respect to the impacts of human activity in coastal and marine environments.
Likewise, it is intended to convey the importance of the protection and conservation of biodiversity and marine ecosystems and, in particular, in protected areas, highlighting the value of local and sustainable seafood.
To this end, key topics such as marine litter, pollution, sustainable exploitation of living marine resources, protection of marine biodiversity and Natura 2000 Network spaces, invasive alien/exotic species, biotoxins and impacts of climate change, as well as the gender perspective in the blue economy, especially focused on shellfish, will be covered.
Its specific objectives seek to generate knowledge about the importance of shellfish banks and their sustainable management and exploitation, to value artisanal fishing, and to make the profession visible.
It is also intended to promote the consumption of local artisanal fishery products obtained with methods of low environmental impact and high quality and freshness, through the direct participation of sea professionals and to increase ecological awareness and awareness, involving sea professionals, children and citizens in general with respect to the protection and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems and resources fishing seafarers.

Line of action:

Marine ecosystems


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


Project web page:


Its specific objectives seek to generate knowledge about the importance of shellfish banks and their sustainable management and exploitation, to value artisanal fishing, to make visible the shellfish farming profession and to promote the consumption of local artisanal fishery products.
It is also intended to increase environmental awareness and promote ecological awareness by involving sea professionals, children and the general public with respect to the protection and conservation of biodiversity and marine fisheries ecosystems and resources.
In this way, knowledge about the sustainable use of coastal areas will be improved, valuing the natural resources of shellfish and promoting the reduction of pollution and mitigation of the effects of climate change.

linea de actuación

+RÍAS: The importance of the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of the Rías Baixas as a driver of the blue economy in Natura 2000 Network environments