Connect Congost Natura 2025. Renaturalization of the river and Congost park and updating of the green infrastructure of Granollers through the implementation of superblocks (CoCoNat25).

PRTR Call for Proposals Project

CoCoNat25 proposes to reinforce the urban green infrastructure by incorporating new areas of opportunity for renaturalization derived from the implementation of the superblocks model. In addition, it will serve to improve ecosystem services and green connectivity and create the best conditions for adaptation to climate change. All this, favoring active leisure in contact with natural elements and increasing the economic activity of proximity.

Line of action:

Urban environments


En ejecución


Granollers, Barcelona (Catalonia)

Geographic scope:


Execution date:



01/09/2022 - 30/11/2025

Urban and Territorial Ecology Foundation (FEUT)

Granollers City Council has a Green Infrastructure Plan that has a good distribution of parks and gardens but the current model of mobility and public space prevents the green connection between them. Currently, 87% of the public road space in Granollers is used for mobility, especially motorized mobility. It is an almost exclusive use that limits other uses in general and, in particular, uses related to urban greenery.

On the other hand, the Congost river crosses Granollers being the backbone of the green infrastructure of the municipality. After the severe floods of 1962, the river was channelized and the watercourse was boxed in, drastically reducing its meandering and biodiversity. The proposal to update the Green Infrastructure Plan is the result of the confluence of the current Green Infrastructure System of Granollers.

The goal is to have the project ready by November 2025, that is, to naturalize a 300-meter-long, 21,000-square-meter area of the Congost River, which is currently artificial, and to integrate it into the Congost Park, which will be transformed into a 21,500-square-meter promenade.

Among the planned actions is also that of reinforcing the green infrastructure in charge of the urban fabric in naturalized areas of the city, which will involve the transformation of 5,379 square meters.

In addition, an action is also planned on Tres Torres street, to turn it into an urban urban connector that runs through the municipality from east to west.

linea de actuación

Connect Congost Natura 2025. Renaturalization of the river and Congost park and updating of the green infrastructure of Granollers through the implementation of superblocks (CoCoNat25).