Since the establishment of the Network of Strandings of cetaceans and sea turtles in the region of Murcia in 2003 (BORM nº 274 of November 26, 2003), more than 600 strandings have been attended, making it impossible to determine the cause of their entry between 40-50% of the time.
The project aims to go one step further in the scientific knowledge of the causes of threat suffered by stranded species with a view to their future correction.
Sea turtles and cetaceans are large migrators, which makes them important biomarkers for the evaluation of the current state of our seas and oceans.
The biological information obtained will be very useful in the management and protection of these species.
Some of the actions that will be carried out are:
Deepening the knowledge of the threats that affect cetaceans and sea turtles in the Region of Murcia (CAMEMMUR)