Economic value of products, knowledge and innovation in grazing (Grazing Nature)

PRTR Call for Proposals Project

The Naturaleza pastorada bioeconomy project seeks to highlight grazing as a viable and necessary activity for economic recovery, biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation in the current context of demographic challenge.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems


En ejecución


Alicante, Cáceres, Castellón, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Navarra, Palencia, Toledo and Valencia

Geographic scope:


Execution date:



01/10/2022 - 30/09/2025


Extensive livestock farming

Total budget:

1,894,895.60 euros

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

1,800,150.82 euros (95%)

Coordinating entity:

Global Nature Foundation

Entretantos Foundation

Center for Scientific and Technological Research of Extremadura (CICYTEX)

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Grazing linked to nature conservation is a green employment niche that is in decline due to its low profitability, its low social and environmental recognition and the competition of intensive livestock models that, far from contributing to conservation, imply a significant environmental impact.

Naturaleza Grastoreada aims to support and value grazing as a viable economic activity in protected natural areas, improving its state of conservation. The project is committed to the economic profitability of this activity, through the marketing of training and tourism products based on pastoral knowledge, in addition to making visible and guaranteeing the role of women in pastoralism.

Grazing Nature provides for the support of grazing models of 15 farms, 4,000 hectares and 9 protected natural areas, which will improve the conservation status of seven habitats and nine species of birds. To this end, a technical, scientific, social and gender characterisation of the grazing models in the protected natural areas of the project will be carried out, investigating the importance of grazing in their conservation, developing methodologies to monitor biodiversity and identifying models and socio-economic characteristics of grazing, as well as the role of women in the activity. In addition, plans will be developed to support grazing conservation and support plans for the differentiation, marketing and transformation of derived products, as well as the design of tourism products, the promotion of grazed grass seeds (“Alpacas for sowing”) as a new grazing product and the development of alliances with other initiatives for differentiation, transformation, commercialization and legislative improvements, as well as to make women visible in pastoralism.

It is expected to work with 15 extensive farms in 9 protected natural areas (4,000 ha, 200 head of cattle and 9,000 head of sheep), improving biodiversity indices on the farms, certifying 50 shepherds with the “Extensive Livestock” seal, signing 4 agreements with shops or restaurants for the marketing of projects, carrying out training and tourist activities, and implementing the “Alpacas for sowing” in 10 farms (30 ha mowing, 100 ha planting, 400 ha grazing).


linea de actuación

Economic value of products, knowledge and innovation in grazing (Grazing Nature)