LOS HERRÁN BERRIA proposes to strengthen the urban green infrastructure of Vitoria-Gasteiz by incorporating new spaces of opportunity for renaturalisation through the implementation of the superblock model, thus taking a further step in the city’s strategy as a green capital and a benchmark in sustainability.
The project arises from the opportunity to incorporate new areas into the Urban Green Infrastructure System (SIVU, 2015), from the freeing up of space for cars by the implementation of the superblock model in accordance with the sustainable development strategy defined in the Mobility and Public Space Plan.
To this end, a model will be defined for the renaturation and incorporation into the SIVU of the superblocks for the entire city and action will be taken on the green corridor of Los Herrán and two adjacent superblocks.
All of this will make it possible to reduce atmospheric and noise pollution, reduce global warming and deepen a city model designed for people’s protagonism and quality of life.