New renaturation strategy of the city of Alcoi for the increase of urban biodiversity (AlcoiBioUP!)

PRTR Call for Proposals Project

AlcoiBioUP! It seeks to promote the connection of the city with the exceptional natural parks that surround it, giving continuity to existing dispersed peri-urban natural areas, linked to riverbeds, improving and connecting them with each other, and extending them into the interior of the city.
It also densified existing urban green areas. And thus, promote and bring biodiversity and its benefits to all citizens.

Line of action:

Urban environments


En ejecución


Alcoi, Alicante (Valencian Community)

Execution date:




The project will serve to recover green spaces linked to rivers and ravines, connect green areas with natural parks and between them, densify intra-urban green areas, raise awareness of the current problem of biodiversity loss, increase the city’s resilience to climate change and improve the quality of life of inhabitants.

The actions of this project include:

  • Develop a strategy for the renaturalization of the city and its perimeter.
  • Carry out interventions in the Barranco de Serpis, in the Barranco del Cint and in the Vaguada.
  • Establish an environmental education area in the Barranquet de Soler.
  • Create an arboretum in the Barranquer de Soler II.
  • Increase vegetation in several areas.


linea de actuación

New renaturation strategy of the city of Alcoi for the increase of urban biodiversity (AlcoiBioUP!)