The Palencia Model Forest comprises the area between the Montaña Palentina Natural Park and the Pilgrims’ Road to Santiago de Compostela. The Palencia Model Forest initiative is made up of 92 municipalities, covering an area of 4,067.48 km2. The predominant forests are oak (Pyrenean oak and holm oak), pine reforestation and poplar groves. They currently occupy 263,940 ha). The volume of timber in the province of Palencia has grown considerably in the last 50 years (2,528,673 m3 in 1970), to the current 14,544,688. Annual timber growth in the province is 588,480 m3 (349,414 m3 of softwoods, 239,066 m3 hardwoods). The evolution of the annual harvesting reflects an annual average of 88,000 m3 for conifers and 45,000 m3 for hardwoods. Harvesting rates (felling/growth) are 25% for conifers and 18% for hardwoods, which explains the great opportunity that exists in the mobilization of timber and other forest resources, especially in freely available and private forests and to a lesser extent in public utility forests. The problem of mobilizing forest resources in Spain is a recurring theme that combines the opportunity for the development of economic activity in rural areas (and therefore the fight against depopulation) with the prevention of forest fires.
It contributes to optimizing forest use and the development of the bioeconomy by combating depopulation.
Contribute to the integral development of the municipal forest bioeconomy in the territorial framework of the Palencia Model Forest through process innovation and social intervention.
Activate the forest bioeconomy and economic development through municipalities.
Diagnose, evaluate and plan the potential of municipal forest resources.
Implement new initiatives.
Monitoring forest resources and the bioeconomy- 0.5. To make visible the role of women in the forest bioeconomy and promote measures to ensure and increase their participation, as well as that of young people.
Implementation of municipal fire prevention plans on 30 municipalities (90,000 ha), forest management plans, PEFC certification on 10000 ha, and pilot pilots to promote the mobilization of wood on 300 ha. Creation of 3 demonstration stands of Near Nature Forestry (60 ha) and new areas with regulation and sustainable management of certified mycological production (10,000 ha)
Assessment and identification of municipal forest resources, roadmap for 8 forest resources. Reactivation of the Palencia Model Forest (BMP, international network of model forests), obtaining its international accreditation, governance and organizing 4 training workshops for 30 people. Training in forest resource mobilization (15 people). Awareness-raising workshop on forest bioeconomy development initiatives (30 people)