Barrio Oeste, one of the most densely populated areas of Rivas-Vaciamadrid, combines large housing developments, villas, avenues and streets with reduced sidewalks and trees, which do not facilitate walking. Includes settlements of the Cañada Real Galiana. Its accelerated urban growth has led to a shortage of public green spaces that do not reach the entire population, unused interstitial areas and the need for landscaped areas for new developments. Blue Infrastructure is very scarce and seasonal and El Olivar -with great potential for fauna- is fragmented and isolated from the natural environment. The project will occupy opportunity spaces for Green Infrastructure and increase the ecosystem services of the renaturalized spaces. It will also create new ecological niches in the urban fabric and increase animal biodiversity, favoring pollinators and biological pest control, diversify the urban flora with resilient species, and eliminate invasive exotic species. Increasing the shaded area will reduce the urban heat island.
Promoting biodiversity and the ecological connection of the western district of Rivas Vaciamadrid (Renatura Rivas)