Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) group together a heterogeneous series of goods (and increasingly more associated services) that have the common characteristic of being rooted in the rural territory and have always been viewed as latent resources with high potential for development and green employment. According to the latest data published by INIA, the economic impact of NTFPs can be up to 75% of the value of timber, with both types of harvesting being compatible. It is also estimated that more than 150,000 rural jobs could be generated from NTFP-related subsectors, especially for women, thus contributing to gender equity. However, this dormant potential needs to be activated by addressing the main challenges of this product group.
IMFOREST will promote the productive development of the set of bioproducts and services associated with NTFPs through sustainable management and conservation tools that can address the threats associated with climate change and rural abandonment. The project will also characterize the value chains of the different products, identifying the obstacles that prevent transforming the resource into an opportunity, designing legal and governance tools to ensure that their sustainable use generates value in the environment. The combined scientific, technical and empirical expertise of the project partners will allow us to go a step further and implement specific projects and initiatives linked to NTFPs.
The overall objective of the project is to activate the endogenous potential associated with the main Spanish NTFPs so that they become sources of gender equitable green employment and contribute to the fight against depopulation.
Promoting the forest bioeconomy through the development, innovation and sustainable management of non-timber forest resources (IMFOREST)