Adaptation of fruit varieties to increased winter temperatures to reduce the impact of climate change on fruit production (AdapFrutCC).


  • This project aims to study the adaptation of different fruit species and varieties with different cold requirements in three climatological scenarios: the coast of subtropical Malaga, Zaragoza, with a temperate and cold climate, and Badajoz, with an intermediate climate.
  • This information will be used to predict the negative impacts of climate change on fruit production and will make this problem and the tools to adapt to it known to both farmers and society in general.

Line of action:

Drivers of biodiversity loss


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


Total budget:

186.450,00 €

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

149.160,00 €

The general objective is to study the adaptation of fruit varieties to increased temperatures during the winter to reduce the impact of climate change on fruit production. The project will operate in three climatological scenarios: the subtropical Malaga coast, Zaragoza, with a temperate and cold climate, and Badajoz, with an intermediate climate.

Among its specific goals are:

  • Phenological characterization of different varieties of fruit trees (relationship between climatic factors and the cycles of living beings).
  • Determination of agroclimatic requirements for flowering.
  • Prediction of the adaptability of the studied species to future temperature conditions in the context of global warming.
  • Phenological characterization of eight varieties of the genus Prunus (two varieties of four species: peach, apricot, plum and cherry).
  • Phenological characterization of 14 Pawpaw varieties.
  • Gene expression during dormancy under different climatic conditions.
  • Determination of the dormancy period of eight varieties of the genus Prunus (two varieties of four species: peach, apricot, plum and cherry).
  • Experimental determination of the dormancy period of 14 Pawpaw varieties.
  • Quantification of cold and heat and evolution of winter temperatures in the past, present and future.
  • Analysis of agroclimatic parameters in the past and in the future.
  • Potential adaptation of varieties to future climatic conditions.
linea de actuación

Adaptation of fruit varieties to increased winter temperatures to reduce the impact of climate change on fruit production (AdapFrutCC).