Given the decrease in water availability for agriculture caused by climate change in Mediterranean environments, it is necessary to make efficient use of water in food production. As stated in the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC), it is essential to know the water demand for agricultural use before and after adaptation to climate change. In turn, it is necessary to optimize watershed monitoring.
Therefore, this initiative proposes a monitoring and modeling system at sub-basin scale and scalable to larger basins, capable of quantifying the water demand for agricultural use under different scenarios of climate, management, socioeconomic and policy conditions. The results of present and future water demands are expressed in PNACC indicators, as the project aims to contribute directly to its implementation.
The main objective is to develop and apply a method for assessing agricultural water demand applicable at the sub-basin and basin scale, before and after adaptation to climate change.
Specific goals include:
Assessing AGRICULTURAL WATER DEMAND for ADAPTATION to climate change at the sub-basin level (AGUAGRADA)