The latest reports from the Global Change Monitoring Network of the Autonomous National Parks Agency (2017) warn of the need to generate spaces for dialogue and/or collaboration that analyse and take into account the contribution of the economic activities that take place in the territory of the National Parks, as potential relevant factors in terms of adaptation to climate change. Therefore, the development of this project aims to train, raise awareness and involve the local population and socio-economic agents of the territory in improving the state of conservation of the aquatic diversity of species and habitats of the Picos de Europa National Park and its surroundings of the Natura 2000 Network, including the basins of the Deva-Cares and Sella rivers. territory distributed between the Autonomous Communities of Asturias, Cantabria and Castilla y León. This area of work has a high biodiversity and high ecological value, and in it a productive activity closely related to natural resources is developed, especially those offered by aquatic ecosystems, such as livestock, tourism or hydroelectric energy. According to Red Cambera, the development of these activities entails the existence of different types of human pressures on the aquatic environment, such as the regulation of flows, the presence of infrastructures (weirs or dams, canals or watering troughs), organic discharges, or the agglomeration of visitors in certain places. Proper management of these activities could minimise the effects they generate on the aquatic environment and have a positive impact on habitats and species of community interest. The CoCrea Picos initiative is a project promoted by Red Cambera and was born under the LIFE18 NAT/ES/000121: DivAqua Project, Improving Aquatic Diversity in the Picos de Europa.
The general objective of the project is focused on communicating, disseminating and increasing social participation on the state of conservation of the Picos de Europa National Park and its Natura 2000 Network environment, including the basins of the Deva-Cares and Sella rivers, a territory distributed among the Autonomous Communities of Asturias, Cantabria and Castilla y León. To this end, the initiative seeks:
These are some of the actions developed by the project:
CoCrea Picos: participatory conservation of the aquatic ecosystems of Picos de Europa and its surroundings Natura 2000 Network