Innovative agricultural practices to contribute to environmental and biodiversity improvement in the Mar Menor environment (NEWAGROMARMENOR)


  • This project addresses new approaches to agricultural production in the Mar Menor watershed with the objective of minimizing the use of water and fertilization with synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.
  • You will develop agronomic practices such as deficit irrigation strategies and monitoring of soil and plant water status data. In addition, intercropping and native vegetation will be integrated to allow high yields, maintaining quality with lower fertilizer inputs and improving soil biodiversity and fertility.
  • These practices will be applied in more than 4,125 hectares of commercial plots of conventional production, introducing new technologies and strategies for the control and management of irrigation water and fertilizers.
  • Pests will also be monitored to reduce the use of phytosanitary products.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems


En ejecución

Execution date:


Total budget:

2.158.163,67 €

Amount of aid from the Biodiversity Foundation:

1.942.347,30 €

The project aims to achieve guidelines for the conservation and promotion of the productive and traditional landscape in the Mar Menor environment, through a highly productive and technified agriculture that respects the environment.

Its specific objectives include:

  • Reduce water footprint, carbon footprint, nitrate pollution, use of inorganic fertilizers and phytosanitary products.
  • Regenerate soil structure.
  • Increase the biodiversity of the soil, entomofauna and microbiome.
  • Actions to reduce the water footprint in 120 hectares through sustainable fertigation strategies.
  • Application of sustainable fertilization and soil recovery strategies.
  • Water recovery and waste reduction in hydroponic crops using microwave technology.
  • Diversification of cropping systems to increase long-term agricultural sustainability, as a nature-based approach.
  • Implementation of a pilot project of a network of traps based on Artificial Intelligence technology for monitoring and forecasting the development of pests with the aim of reducing the application of pesticides on crops in the CVMM.
linea de actuación

Innovative agricultural practices to contribute to environmental and biodiversity improvement in the Mar Menor environment (NEWAGROMARMENOR)