Program of actions for the consolidation of territorial populations of bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus) in the mountains of central and northern Spain (Monirepro QH).


  • The project has sought to increase the bearded vulture population and favor its settlement in new mountain systems of the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Monirepro QH has contributed to the bearded vulture recovery process through measures that improve natural productivity, the settlement of new territories and the improvement of trophic resources.
  • The monitoring of the reproduction of the species in the 2020-2021 season has detected the existence of 30 chicks that began their flight in that season.
  • Several stewardship agreements have been signed with the sheep and goat farming sector in territories occupied by the bearded vulture, and 5 areas have been legalized for feeding scavenger birds.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:

Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the Pyrenean population of bearded vultures(Gypaetus barbatus) has experienced an average annual population growth of close to 4% in this mountain range. In this line, the year 2020 is a milestone in the slow Iberian recovery of the species, according to the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture. Thus, the favourable evolution of the population in the Pyrenees and the reinforcement of specimens in reintroduction projects (specifically in Picos de Europa, Cazorla, the Iberian System of Castellón and the Alps) have resulted in the natural recolonisation of a breeding pair in the Iberian System or the birth and flight of the first chick in the reintroduced population of the Picos de Europa.

The Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture emphasizes that these data make this a crucial moment to strengthen with proven actions the natural settlements through measures that have worked in the recovery of the Pyrenean “source” population. In this sense, this project aims to facilitate the aforementioned recovery process through measures that improve natural productivity, the settlement of new territories and the improvement of trophic resources, aimed at achieving their integral recovery.

The general objective of the project has been to increase the population of bearded vultures and favor their settlement in new mountain systems of the Iberian Peninsula.

The specific objectives were as follows:

  • To achieve an improvement in the productivity of the wild population (increasing the number of chicks fledged per breeding unit per year).
  • Facilitate the fixation of dispersive specimens through the implementation of social attraction techniques in mountain systems susceptible to harboring bearded vultures.
  • Increase the supply of trophic resources and nest building materials in current and future areas of bearded vulture occupation.
  • To improve social perception and raise awareness of the species and its problems and solutions for its conservation.
  • Improvement of the structure and composition of bearded vulture nests through the contribution of sheep’s wool, due to its lack in the natural environment.
  • Follow-up and monitoring of bearded vulture reproduction in northern Spain, by means of visual observation supported by telescopes and binoculars as the main material means. As a result of this monitoring, 30 chicks have been detected that fledged during this season.
  • 10 field days for the selection of the most suitable points for future population reinforcement projects in the mountain systems of the Aragonese Iberian System and in the Sierra de Gredos Regional Park.
  • Implementation of social attraction techniques or “decoys” in the Sierra de Gredos. In this case, three decoys have been placed, one in the Risco del Fraile and two units simulating a breeding pair in the so-called Cuerda de los Barquillos.
  • Management proposals and custody agreements with the sheep and goat livestock sector in territories occupied by the bearded vulture. This is a pilot experience that seeks to solve two deficiencies: trophic resources and wool available for the bearded vulture. In total, 4 agreements were reached and, in addition, 5 protection zones for the feeding of necrophagous birds of prey (ZEPAEN) have been legalized. On the other hand, this action has also managed the authorization of a feeding place of the Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture located in the Sierra del Cuera (Asturias), as well as an agreement in principle for the administrative management of a municipal slaughterhouse in Aínsa (Huesca), essential for the maintenance of a feeding point for necrophagous birds.
  • Dissemination and communication of the project, through the dissemination of two press releases (at the beginning and at the end of the project) that have resulted in different publications and interviews in the media and social networks.

The Monirepro QH project has contributed to the bearded vulture recovery process through measures that improve natural productivity, the settlement of new territories and the improvement of trophic resources, all of them aimed at achieving the integral recovery of the species.

Thus, this initiative has allowed the contribution of wool as construction material for nests in 100 territorial units of bearded vultures in the Pyrenees, Picos de Europa and Iberian System. In addition, reproduction monitoring has been carried out in the 2020-2021 season in 97 territorial units, finally verifying the flight of up to 30 chicks. On the other hand, the selection of two possible field breeding sites in the Sierra de Gredos and the Maestrazgo of Teruel has been carried out for future projects to strengthen the population of the species.

Likewise, three decoys have been installed as a social attraction technique in the Sierra de Gredos.

Finally, several agreements have been signed for the custody and legalisation of areas for the feeding of scavenger birds, in cooperation with the sheep and goat livestock sector in the aforementioned mountain systems. These agreements include the legalization of 5 areas for feeding scavenger birds, also in cooperation with the livestock sector.

linea de actuación

Program of actions for the consolidation of territorial populations of bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus) in the mountains of central and northern Spain (Monirepro QH).