Training for managers and other users of the marine Natura 2000 Network


The Natura 2000 Network, the world’s largest network of protected areas, aims to ensure the long-term survival of Europe’s species and habitats, helping to halt the loss of biodiversity and to make conservation compatible with the development of sustainable activities.

To achieve these objectives, it is essential to have the support of the parties directly involved in management, in addition to the general public. Despite its importance, knowledge of the marine Natura 2000 Network is still insufficient, which hinders the involvement of stakeholders in its conservation.

The marine Natura 2000 training program aims to address these issues through the involvement and capacity building of key stakeholders.

The Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) is reinforcing the marine Natura 2000 Network training program aimed at public administration personnel involved in the management of the marine Natura 2000 Network and other target audiences. This program, initiated with the LIFE INTEMARES project, is promoted thanks to the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), financed by the European Union’s NextGeneration funds.

Line of action:

Knowledge generation and management


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:


The main objective of this project is the design and implementation of a training plan that responds to the programs included in the Training Strategy of the LIFE INTEMARES project.

Specific objectives:

  • To ensure the long-term development of the Priority Action Framework (MAP) for the financing of the Natura 2000 Network in Spain, through the training of technical staff from the Administration, among other recipients.
  • To encourage the recipients to have adequate knowledge of conservation and/or management of marine habitats and species of the Natura 2000 Network.
  • To improve training and capacity building for the monitoring and surveillance of marine protected areas, especially the Natura 2000 Network.
  • To ensure the availability of quality training resources, oriented towards the sustainable management of the Natura 2000 Network in marine areas, facilitating ongoing training during the life of the project and once it has ended.

Two actions are being developed, one aimed at managers and the other at other users of the marine Natura 2000 Network. This training plan will be followed up with other actions focused on other topics, such as surveillance and monitoring of the marine Natura 2000 Network.

1. Training plan for managers of the marine Natura 2000 Network 2.


  • Regulations and applicable legislation for the marine Natura 2000 Network.
  • Awareness and appreciation of the socioeconomic benefits of the Natura 2000 Network.
  • Conservation: knowledge of species and habitats, impacts, collisions with cetaceans, underwater noise, habitats of community interest and maritime traffic.
  • Surveillance and monitoring. Fight against marine pollution.Application of techniques and tools that promote collaborative work and governance to generate a climate of alliances and cooperation through the creation of synergies between groups. Training in the operation of marine stewardship networks and successful cases.


Target audience:

  • Staff of Public Administrations competent in the implementation of the MAP and the management of the marine Natura 2000 Network.
  • Legislators, judges and prosecutors.
  • Other users related to the management of marine resources such as NGOs oriented to conservation, education, training and environmental volunteering; environmental consultancies; tour operators.


2. Training plan for other users of the marine Natura 2000 Network.


  • Principles and elements necessary for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in schools, related to the marine Natura 2000 Network, through the programming of actions and awareness campaigns.
  • Design of self-guided and guided interpretive itineraries adapted to the marine Natura 2000 Network and applicable regulations.


Target audience:

  • University and non-university education teachers.
  • Educational centers and environmental education and dissemination centers.
  • Public Administration personnel competent in educational matters.

To date, a total of 10 trainings have been carried out with a total of 170 people trained, of which 6 trainings have been given in the training plan aimed at managers of the marine Natura 2000 Network (Environmental Agents of the marine environment (AMAS), Maritime Service of the Civil Guard, the Navy, Maritime Rescue, SEPRONA).

In addition, a specific course was held for AMAS and technical staff of the Subdirectorate of Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity of MITECO, with a total of 14 participants, for the identification and recognition of vulnerable marine species, and species of fishing interest, for their surveillance and monitoring work with the collaboration of the Center for Marine Research of the University of Alicante (CIMAR).

In the training plan aimed at other users of the marine Natura 2000 Network, a total of 3 trainings have been given with a total of 46 people trained:

  • Shellfish gatherers and fishermen from the Cofradía de San Roque de Pontevedra on the training itineraries of the marine Natura 2000 Network.
  • Technicians from the Ministries of Education of the different Autonomous Regions and the MEFP.
  • Primary school teachers in the town of Gondomar, Pontevedra.

Upcoming training sessions are currently being formalized for all primary schools in the autonomous city of Melilla, as well as in the community of Castilla-La Mancha, with the support of the Ministries of Education and the MEFP.

In addition, the environmental education project has been launched as an opportunity to environmentalize schools through the integration of contents on the marine Natura 2000 Network. This project is a working tool with a participatory methodological approach that provides educators with resources and materials, as well as learning situations that promote the acquisition of skills and knowledge related to the conservation of the marine environment through research and play.


Resources of the educational project “The school travels through the ocean with Natura and Marina”. Opportunities to environmentalize schools through the integration of Natura 2000 marine contents in the school curriculum.



The key resources to implement the project at the school (teacher’s notebook, student’s notebook and downloadable materials for the games) will be delivered to those schools that participate in the project’s training by requesting them to proyectoseuropeos@fundacion-biodiversidad.es.

linea de actuación

Training for managers and other users of the marine Natura 2000 Network