Update of the national inventory and evaluation of the conservation status of Iberian fishes (INECoFish)


  • The project has made progress in the development of the Spanish Fish Chart (CPE), the largest inventory of ichthyological biodiversity in Spain, with the incorporation of more than 40,000 new records to the database.
  • Spatial Distribution Models have been developed for 54 native species and the conservation status of the eleven most threatened species has been evaluated in order to propose their inclusion in the Spanish Catalogue of Threatened Species.
  • The SPC web page has been improved, facilitating the inclusion of records and the overall management of information to make it more useful to users.

Photography: Enrique Baquero.

Line of action:

Terrestrial ecosystems



Execution date:


The Spanish Fish Farming Chart (CPE) is, at present, the largest inventory of ichthyological biodiversity in Spain, providing the National Biodiversity Inventory with very useful information to guide decision making. In addition, the CPE is an excellent channel for disseminating knowledge of Iberian fish and the natural values of our rivers, being the main reference tool for the public interested in Iberian fish, especially among river managers and users.

The SPC shows information collected on the 84 species of freshwater fish present in Spain, with more than 40,500 records of these species in our inland waters at the beginning of the project.

The main objective is to update the general knowledge and evaluate the current conservation status of Spanish freshwater fishes.

Specific goals include:

  • Obtain current information about Spanish freshwater fishes published in different media.
  • Increase the ichthyological records of the National Biodiversity Inventory.
  • To evaluate the current conservation status of Spanish freshwater fishes.
  • Improve the capacities of the Spanish Fish Farming Charter (CPE) as an instrument for dissemination and awareness.
  • Bibliographic review of scientific articles published in the last decade.
  • Review of reports and other supports related to the subject matter.
  • Elaboration of potential distribution maps of Spanish freshwater fishes.
  • Acquisition of data from Spanish freshwater fish records.
  • Evaluation of the conservation status of the species.
  • IT improvements to the services provided by the Fish Farming Charter.
  • Promotion of the development of the Spanish Fish Farming Charter (CPE) with the incorporation of more than 40,000 new records to the CPE database and to the National Biodiversity Inventory.
  • Elaboration of Spatial Distribution Models (SDM) of 54 native species from all records of the SPC.
  • Evaluation of the conservation status of the 11 most endangered native fish species, in order to propose their inclusion in the Spanish Catalog of Threatened Species (CEEA).
  • Improving the capabilities of the SPC website, facilitating the inclusion of records and the overall management of information in order to make it more useful to users.
linea de actuación

Update of the national inventory and evaluation of the conservation status of Iberian fishes (INECoFish)