Call for applications for grants under the Pleamar 2020 Program

Marine ecosystems

Pleamar program

cerradura Closed call

Call for grants from the Biodiversity Foundation, on a competitive basis, for the promotion and promotion of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, within the framework of the Pleamar Program, co-financed by the FEMP – 2020.


The Fundación Biodiversidad’s Pleamar Program aims to support the fishing and aquaculture sector in its commitment to sustainability and its commitment to the protection and conservation of biodiversity and natural heritage.

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail:

Resolution of December 20, 2018, of the Secretary of State for the Environment, publishing the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies by the Biodiversity Foundation.

  • Published: “BOEno. 25, of January 29, 2019, pages 8001 to 8036 (36 pages) Consultation
  • Reference: BOE-A-2019-1092

Extract from the Resolution December 18, 2019 of the Directorate of the Biodiversity Foundation F.S.P., approving the publication of the Call for the award of grants, on a competitive basis, for the promotion and promotion of fisheries and aquaculture sustainability, in the framework of the Pleamar Program, co-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) in 2020.

  • Published in: “BOE” No. 312 of 28/12/2019, p. 72955 to 72955 (1 page). Consultation
  • Reference: BOE-B-2019-56389

To consult any information related to the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, such as the Community implementing Regulations, the Spanish Operational Program or all the information related to the FEMP Monitoring Committee, you can consult the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment by clicking here. here.

  • End Date: 2020
  • Year of call: 2020
  • Thematic line of action: Ecosistemas marinos
  • Source of financing: Fondo Europeo Marítimo de Pesca