Outreach & Dissemination

Dissemination and environmental outreach is a continuous educational process that aims to inform, educate and modify attitudes towards the climate emergency. With science as the basis for all actions, we can find reports that support the decisions that, little by little, should lead us to an urgent and necessary change of model.


That is why at Fundación Biodiversidad we attach great importance to dissemination and awareness-raising. Conferences, talks and different events with the presence of people with experience, training and criteria in scientific-environmental matters that help us to increase our knowledge about everything that implies what we now call climate emergency.



Dynamic dissemination tool.

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Cycle of online meetings.

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The Fundación Biodiversidad podcast.

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Our dissemination channels


Último podcast


Pepa Muñoz

The land has to breathe and be enriched.

July 28, 2023

The Biodiversity Foundation podcast

“Naturalmente” is the Fundación Biodiversidad’s podcast that was created with the aim of contributing new ideas and new visions to face the environmental challenges we are facing. In this podcast, the participants come from all fields: scientific, academic, business, conservationist, local, entrepreneurial, social and journalistic. The objective is to give the space it deserves to such a transcendental issue for our survival.

The objective of this podcast is to serve as a help, as a loudspeaker, to give the space it deserves to such a transcendental subject for our survival.

“Naturalmente” seeks to generate knowledge based on the experiences and opinions of people who, whether or not they have a direct relationship with the environment, either in their personal or professional lives, do have ideas or concerns about the present and future of the Planet.

Resources and publications

The Foundation is a forum for collaboration and dialogue with civil society, a promoter of economic activity and job creation, and an agile vehicle for developing actions related to environmental policies.

Resources and publications

The Foundation is a forum for collaboration and dialogue with civil society, a promoter of economic activity and job creation, and an agile vehicle for developing actions related to environmental policies.