Thematic focus areas

Terrestrial ecosystems

Terrestrial ecosystems

Under the terrestrial ecosystems focus area, the Biodiversity Foundation articulates different funds, instruments and projects of its own through work on their conservation and restoration, and the promotion of the bioeconomy and green employment, taking into account, among others, the European Union Strategy on Biodiversity by 2030 objectives, as well as those of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and national strategies and plans (including the National Strategy for Green Infrastructure and Ecological Connectivity and Restoration, the National Pollinator Strategy, the National Strategy to Combat Desertification, the Strategic Plan for Wetlands and the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change or the Circular Economy Strategy).

The Empleaverde Program also has the Emprendeverde Network as a tool to support the creation and consolidation of new companies that contribute to an ecological transition.

Marine ecosystems

Marine ecosystems

The Biodiversity Foundation contributes to the conservation and recovery of marine ecosystems, as well as to the promotion of the blue economy, including contributing to the goal of conferring legal protection to 30% of the EU’s marine area by 2030

Urban environments

Urban environments

Renaturalization and resilience line of work focus area responds to the need to integrate biodiversity conservation into the planning and management of the entire territory, including urban areas, in line with the objectives of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which includes in its component 4 an objective related to “Green infrastructure: promoting urban connectivity and greening”.

Generation and management of knowledge

Generation and management of knowledge

The Biodiversity Foundation works on both strategic and operational aspects. In the strategic area, firstly, the Biodiversity Foundation coordinates the preparation of the Biodiversity and Science Strategy (EByC) of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge and the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Secondly, it participates actively, together with the National Parks Autonomous Organization and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, in the implementation of the first Annual Work Program of the Environmental Education for Sustainability Action Plan (PAEAS).

As regards the operational area, and within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, it is worth noting the two calls for grants to support research programs and projects in the field of biodiversity management.

Biodiversity loss drivers

Biodiversity loss drivers

Biodiversity loss drivers focus area responds to the need to adopt measures to mitigate the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as to promote initiatives that allow us to adapt and become more resilient to its causes, including changes in land use, pollution and overexploitation of resources, among others.

Private sector participation in the ecological transition

Private sector participation in the ecological transition

In relation to the Spanish Business and Biodiversity Initiative (IEEB), the Biodiversity Foundation is renewing the initiative to give it greater ambition to respond to current challenges and meet the needs of its stakeholders.

On the other hand, we keep on work updating the Practical Guide to Ecological Restoration to identify the key aspects of ecological restoration and relevant case studies.

Finally, IEEB has become involved in an international consortium, led by UNEP-WCMC (UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Center), for the implementation of an EU Horizon project called SUSTAIN, which aims to contribute to a better measurement, assessment and monitoring of the dependencies and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services of companies.

 actividades transversales
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Cross-cutting activities

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International Affairs

Global problems such as the climate emergency, the mass extinction of species, the degradation of the oceans and deforestation require global solutions. Cooperation between states is necessary to carry out concerted action, as a result of negotiation processes. In this area, the work of the Biodiversity Foundation aims to contribute to: “Raise ambition and honor the commitments adopted by Spain (CBD, UNFCCC, IUCN and EU).” Provide technical and institutional support to developing countries through exchanges of experiences and capacity building, especially in the framework of ongoing projects.

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Communications is a central part of the Foundation’s activity, and is perceived by its partners as one of its strengths. Communications activities are an integral part of many projects (Life Intemares, Life Shara, Life Cerceta pardilla, Life Osos con futuro, etc.). In addition, numerous specific activities are carried out (events, Biodirectos, press publications, outreach and dissemination in social networks, websites, podcasts, etc.). We are very present in social networks, and among our themes, ecological restoration stands out.

The Biodiversity Foundation has cross-cutting activities to continue fulfilling its mission, such as communications and international affairs.

It is of vital importance to keep in mind all those activities that can contribute to achieve the objectives of our organization, to transmit the message of our organization to society and to all those stakeholders who can join us in our mission to reverse the loss of biodiversity to build a sustainable future.

Gender perspective

The Biodiversity Foundation is implementing a gender mainstreaming strategy, which involves a transformation of our activity from a systemic, global and sustainable perspective based on equality.

Gender mainstreaming implies, on the one hand, to assume as essential for the achievement of real and effective equality between women and men, the integration of the gender perspective in all programs and in all phases of intervention carried out in the Foundation and, on the other hand, to use a theoretical model that makes visible the relations between women and men, showing the situation and position of each one in all areas and spheres of life.

Since the “Commitment to equality of the Biodiversity Foundation” was signed by the President of the Biodiversity Foundation and the Third Vice President and Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge in 2019, and the First Equality Plan of the Biodiversity Foundation was approved in 2020, many steps have been taken to achieve this goal, although we are aware of the long road ahead.