The project Biodiversity Conservation in the Miera River. LIFE13 NAT/EN/000899 has been aimed at improving the conservation status and surface area of natural habitats (riparian and montane forests and estuaries) and knowledge of the demographic status of species of conservation interest (Woodwardia radicans) in the hydrographic basin of the Miera River in Cantabria.
The results of Biodiversity Conservation in the Miera River. LIFE13 NAT/EN/000899 Thus, three populations of Woodwardia radicans have been detected and four potential planting areas have been identified. In addition, 6 stewardship agreements have been signed affecting 8.54 hectares of land, which will strengthen habitat restoration activities. A total of 7,890 native treeshave been planted, covering an area of 10.9 hectares. A total of 550 meters of riverbank of the Ría de Cubas have been recovered with the planting of 317 specimens of native trees. As part of this project, the El Pendo Forest Nursery has been equipped with irrigation systems, thus improving the production of native forest plants. Thus, 37,000 native plants have been produced, which will be used for the revegetation of areas to be restored. Work has also been done on fire prevention, reducing the presence of fuel. Finally, invasive exotic species have been eliminated: Baccharis halimifolia and Cortaderia selloana. The work to eliminate invasive exotic species has covered an area of 2.43 hectares.
The project has been disseminated and at least 580 students, 9,670 visitors to the Ecomuseum, 178 attendees to informative talks and 32 volunteers have been made aware of the project. To increase dissemination, a website and a Facebook page have been set up, and five newsletters have been published.