- It complements the call for proposals already resolved for line 2 of the PERTE for Circular Economy, endowed with 192 million euros.
The Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Morán, announced this morning at the headquarters of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, during an informative conference held with the 76 companies benefiting from line 2 of the PERTE of Circular EconomyThe new call for grants of 20 million for circular economy projects in companies, a new boost to sustainability and circularity in industrial and business processes in order to strengthen the ecological transition and improve the competitiveness and innovation of the industrial fabric.
“The PERTE of Circular Economy contributes to a new scenario characterized by the consolidation of an innovative, sustainable, competitive and capable of growing industrial fabric within the framework of a circular economy, which overcomes the previous and unsustainable linear production model of extract-produce-consume-throw away,” said Morán during his speech.
Approved by the Council of Ministers on March 8, 2022 on the basis of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of December 30, on urgent measures for the modernization of the Public Administration and for the implementation of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), the PERTE in Circular Economy comprises a total of 18 instruments distributed in two lines of action:
1. Line of action 1 of “Actions on key sectors of the Spanish economy such as textiles, plastics and capital goods for renewable energies”.
2. Line of action 2 of “Transversal action to promote the circular economy in the company”.
Line 2 provides aid for research and development projects for eco-design; for innovation in processes and organization; for investment to improve waste treatment, reuse and recycling; and for investment that allows companies to go beyond European Union standards for environmental protection, reducing their use of virgin raw materials and their generation of waste.
The first call for the transversal line was resolved a few weeks ago, with 165.5 million for 102 projects, with grants ranging from 150,000 euros to 10 million euros per project.
To this call will be added this year the aid planned for the key sectors of textiles, fashion and footwear, plastics and capital goods for renewable energies, corresponding to action line 1 of the PERTE, all within Component 12 “Spain’s Industrial Policy 2030” of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and endowed with another 300 million euros.