Job offer

1 1st Technician (temporary) in the Bioeconomy Area. PRO.TEP.18

The deadline for registration is 30/03/2023 11:59 pm

Manage and monitor calls and projects in the area of bioeconomy of the Fundación Biodiversidad, within the framework of the funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, Next Generation EU.
The mission of the bioeconomy area is to promote calls for grants and projects that promote an economy that benefits biodiversity and, at the same time, takes advantage of the potential of nature as an economic engine through the development of sustainable forest management and use, extensive livestock farming, ecological restoration and agroecological transition, with initiatives that achieve transformations that have an impact on the territory and contribute to the ecological transition and the demographic challenge.



  • Encourage projects managed to benefit biodiversity and resource conservation and to achieve transformational impacts in the field of green jobs and the demographic challenge, especially in the field of the bioeconomy.
  • Accompany and assist the applicant entities during the submission of applications and evaluate the proposals submitted to the calls for proposals.
  • To carry out the technical and economic follow-up of the projects of the area’s calls for proposals, in the field of bioeconomy, and to carry out the justification and liquidation of the projects.
  • Prepare technical reports, briefing notes, databases, indicators and documents associated with bioeconomy projects and calls for proposals for reporting, communication and dissemination needs.
  • To support the control and auditing processes of the activities developed.
  • Participate in the organization and attend meetings and events related to the area’s activity.
  • Elaborate and design action proposals for the fulfillment of the area’s objectives and for the best performance of the tasks of execution, evaluation, follow-up and control of the projects.
  • Monitor developments in regulations, strategies, plans, programs and projects related to the area and its activities: identification of best practices, case studies and activities, preparation of speeches and presentations, participation in publications, etc.
  • Any other function entrusted by the Heads, Coordination, Subdirection and/or Direction.
  • University Degree (also former Diplomatura and Licenciatura) in Biology, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Forestry/Forestry Engineering, Agricultural Engineering or other Earth Sciences.
  • At least 3 years of experience in project management related to conservation, restoration and sustainable management of natural resources.
  • Specific training and experience in matters related to the sustainable use and management of forest resources and ecosystems as a key conservation resource, local bioeconomy and demographic challenge. Experience in the environmental third sector and/or at the municipal level.
  • At least 2 years of experience in the management of calls for proposals and public funds.
  • Specific training or experience of at least 1 year in management aspects related to the Public Sector Contracts Law and the General Subsidies Law.
  • English medium proficiency (B2 level or equivalent).
  • Immediate availability.
  • Temporary fixed-term contract for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. (Fifth additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 32/2021), with professional category Technician.
  • The award of the position is subject to the final authorization of the Directorate General of Personnel Costs and Public Pensions and the Directorate General of the Civil Service.
  • Gross Annual Salary: 30.690,94 €.
  • Job location: Fundación Biodiversidad headquarters in Madrid.
  • Expected incorporation date: April 2023
  • Expected duration: 3 years