Job offer

Technician (temporary) for the Area of Green Economy and Employment

The deadline for registration is 01/12/2023 11:59 pm

Management of project activities for the correct development of the projects.
Within this framework, in addition to the projects financed with European Union funds in the
Operational Program 2021-2027 (ESF+), actions will also be developed in relation to the
and biodiversity, such as the Spanish Business and Biodiversity Initiative (Iniciativa Española Empresa y Biodiversidad) and the
Red Emprendeverde, among others.



  • Participate in the preparation of documents associated with calls for grants, awards/recognition and tenders. Manage the publication process. Resolving doubts to the requesting entities.
  • Evaluating proposals submitted to calls for proposals, awards/recognitions and
  • Train, accompany and assist the beneficiary entities during the presentation, execution, justification and liquidation of the projects.
  • Perform the technical and economic follow-up of the execution, justification, liquidation and payment of the projects. Prepare technical evaluation reports and results. Compilation of monitoring, execution and result indicators.
  • Perform and follow up on contracting and associated documents.
  • To support the control and auditing processes of the activities developed.
  • Assist in the organization of and participate in meetings and events related to the Area’s activities.
  • To elaborate and design action proposals for the fulfillment of the Area’s objectives and for the better performance of the tasks of execution, evaluation, follow-up and control of the projects.
  • Update regulations, strategies, plans, programs or projects related to the Area: identification of best practices and activities, preparation of speeches and presentations, participation in publications, etc.
  • Prepare project documentation and information reports (databases, indicators, reports, presentations, graphic material, notifications, etc.).
  • To monitor developments in regulations, strategies, plans, programs and projects related to the Area’s activities.
  • Support in the preparation of reporting documents and certification of funds to the Fund Management Unit.
  • Any other function entrusted by the Heads, Coordination, Subdirection and Management.
  • Bachelor’s degree (also former Diplomatura and Licenciatura).
  • At least three years of experience in the management of projects co-financed by European Structural and Investment Funds.
  • High proficiency in English (C1).
  • Willingness to travel. The availability or not to travel must be expressly indicated in the CV.
  • Postgraduate training in subjects related to biodiversity, environmental business management and entrepreneurship.
  • Specific training and/or experience in sustainable finance and green economy.
  • Specific training and/or experience in working with indicators.
  • At least two years of work experience in or for the public sector.
  • Experience in organizing meetings and events.
  • Experience in business entrepreneurship
  • Temporary fixed-term contract for the execution of projects financed with European Union Funds (Fifth Additional Provision of Royal Decree-Law 32/2021), with the professional category of Technician.
  • Gross Annual Salary: 27.130,42 €.
  • Job location: Fundación Biodiversidad headquarters in Madrid.
  • Planned duration: until 12/31/2029