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BioBoost+ – Boosting the Frequency and Scale of Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Using Digital Imagery and Artificial Intelligence

Biodiversa +

BioBoost+ is designed to improve sampling and identification through non-invasive, cost-effective, high-frequency monitoring of marine biota through the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital imaging. This includes real-time monitoring through camera networks and citizen science groups. These methods will be applied to a wide range of taxa, from habitat-forming species (seagrasses, shellfish beds and macroalgal canopies), ecologically and economically important species (e.g., coastal fish, lobsters, shorebirds), invasive species and other poorly studied groups (from microscopic animals to rare fish).

BioBoost+ enhances biodiversity monitoring in the European regional seas of the Mediterranean, North Sea and Norwegian Sea to support ongoing conservation interventions such as habitat restoration projects and marine protected areas (MPAs).

Line of action:

Knowledge generation and management


En ejecución

Execution date:


End date:

  • Leverage biodiversity imagery to enable data streams and analysis, from image acquisition through in situ camera networks to automated updating of indicators to support marine biodiversity planning, restoration, conservation and management;
  • Expand digital data acquisition through citizen science programs and other stakeholders (industry, scientists, policy makers), leveraging a multidisciplinary approach to broaden the scales of biodiversity monitoring;
  • Automate analyses of data on seafloor habitats (e.g., seagrass meadows, shellfish beds, macroalgal forests) and encourage the use of drones and satellite imagery to map human pressures and evaluate the success of habitat restoration and Marine Protected Areas;
  • Use high-frequency time series and systematic analysis of habitat data to obtain better measurements of biodiversity under current and future climate change scenarios, supporting adaptation and mitigation policies.
linea de actuación

BioBoost+ – Boosting the Frequency and Scale of Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Using Digital Imagery and Artificial Intelligence